One Thousand Books 2018

Friday October 12, 2018 at Annual Reportt

This year's iteration of One Thousand Books celebrates the release of the publication Danske kunstnerbøger efter finanskrisen, sorteret efter titel-længde [Danish Artist’s Books After The Financial Crisis, Sorted By Length of Title], published by Lodret Vandret. The publication is an extensive collection of information about the Danish self-publishing scene from the period of 2011–2018. For the evening Annual Reportt will transform into a functional newsstand/bar in which we will celebrate the release of the publication and the self-publishing scene in general, it's actors, their friends and readers.

Good company guaranteed, all are welcome!

During the evening the bar will be managed by four different publishers one at a time who will be serving drinks based on their own recipe while they present their publishing practice. The menu of available drinks will be revealed on the evening, taking the form of a 6×3 meter LED billboard. Additionally each of the bar-managing publishers will be responsible for at festive feature during their hour in the bar, ranging from readings to performances and a surprise event. The four publishers are: Hour Editions, Forlaget Gestus, KLD Repro and Lodret Vandret.

The publication and drinks will be sold for a very fair price – we hope to see you all!

The publication

Introduction (in Danish only):

I denne tryksag har du en liste over de fleste kunstnerpublikationer udgivet siden 2011. Nu er det 2018.

Bøgerne har en form, som ikke kunne have været en anden. De er ikke bare fartøjer eller beholdere.

De vibrerer med samtidskunsten i de store museer og gallerier, men du kan have dem hjemme. De er billige, lette at opbevare og gode at tage med. Deres udgivelse er en politisk gestus, som ofte udføres selv eller i samarbejde med gode venner. Hvis du køber dem, er du med til at støtte aktivisme og gør-det-selv ånd.

På de følgende sider kan du krydse af, strege under, tælle og se billeder. Indholdet er data, men også inspiration, råd & vejledning og gode ideer. Måske får du lyst til at opleve nye titler, som du ikke kendte, eller gamle bekendte, som du havde glemt fandtes. Det håber vi.

God fornøjelse

The data

The spreadsheet on which the list in this publication is based can be obtained from One Thousand Books and used for free (with creditline). In the spreadsheet you will find the full lists of contributors, title, special features and funding, which could not be printed in the publication due to space restrictions. Likewise, the reader can do searches or sort by criteria other than title length. Contact info@lodretvandret.com

The published list includes 479 artists' books from over 50 publishers and artists with the following data:

Artists/contributors, Title, Year, Printing house, Pages, Binding, Print method, Financing, Size, Special features, Edition, Availability

Besides the long list it also includes 74 images, a list of graphic designers, 24 publisher profiles and a list of active artists' book publishers before 2011. The 24 publisher profiles are:

Laboratoriet for Æstetik og Økologi, Officin / Internationalistisk ideale, Woodpecker Projects, TTC / Robandfugl / JIR SANDEL, Roulette Russe, Hour Editions, Cult Pump, Ark, Space Poetry, Lodret Vandret, Annual Reportt, hurricane publishing, KLD Repro, Konnotation, Ransby Editions, *[asterisk], emancipa(t/ss)ionsfrugten, Claus Carstensen, Fluens Forlag, Forlaget Gestus, Pork Salad Press, Antechamber, Drucksache, Antipyrine

The space