One Thousand Books 2016, April 21 - 24 and through May 15

We are looking forward to welcome you to a 4-day festival and 3-week exhibition of/about artists’ books. The festival is April 21-24 with the exhibition running in the three following weeks. The main venue this year is Kunsthal Charlottenborg.

One Thousand Books 2016 features a free and open to the public one-day seminar, a group exhibition curated by 13 participating publishers, a book fair on the opening weekend and networking events.

The theme of the festival this year is ‘art(ists’) books and exhibition making’. The relationship between books and exhibitions is often either that of the catalogue or books statically displayed out of reach and behind glass. However, there must be a more engaging, democratic and ultimately more deserving manner to exhibit a book work. What if we get rid of the glass vitrines and expand the book as an installation in an art space setting? This is the question around which One Thousand Books 2016 revolves.

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Programme 2,8 MB

Programme, 2016


Thursday April 21
/ at Overgaden. Institut for Samtidskunst, 11:00 - 18:00
- Seminar

Saturday April 23
/ at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 11:00 - 20:00
- Manifolds exhibition opening
- Book fair and Events
- Party

Sunday April 24
/ at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 11:00 - 17:00
- Manifolds exhibition opening
- Book fair and Events

April 26 – May 15
/ at Kunsthal Charlottenborg
- Manifolds exhibition is open Tuesday - Sunday, 11:00 - 17:00

May 17 – June 26
/ at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning's bookshop ‘-1’
- One Thousand Books migrates. A new display of the exhibited books.

Exhibition, 2016


Opening weekend Saturday – Sunday
April 23, 11:00 – 20:00
April 24, 11:00 – 17:00
Open through May 15, 2016

Kunsthal Charlottenborg
Kongens Nytorv 1
1050 Copenhagen K

At the core of One Thousand Books 2016 is the exhibition opening weekend. Manifolds is a group show with artists invited by 13 publishers who, for this exhibition also function as curators. Throughout the weekend the publishers will be present to talk about (and sell) their books, the artist(s) they have worked with and this current exhibition.

- B-B-B-Books / Klara Källström, Thobias Fäldt & 1:2:3 (SE)
- ECAL:MAAD & Designbolaget / Students at Master of Art Direction (CH/DK)
- Forlaget emancipa(t/ss)ionsfrugten / Absalon Kirkeby & Kasper Hesselbjerg (DK)
- Études Books / Aurélien Arbet, Jérémie Egry & Nicolas Poillot (FR)
- Gottlund / Nicholas Gottlund (US)
- Joachim Schmid / Joachim Schmid (DE)
- Kodoji Press / Winfried Heininger (CH)
- Lugemik / Indrek Sirkel, Laura Toots & Anu Vahtra (EE)
- Officin / Louise Hold Sidenius (DK)
- Pist Protta / Jesper Fabricius, Aase Eg, Jesper Rasmussen (DK)
- Shelter Press / Bartolomé Sanson & Felicia Atkinson (FR)
- Self Publish, Be Happy / Bruno Ceschel (UK)
- Theophile’s Papers / Théophile Calot (BE)

- Klara Källström (SE), Thobias Fäldt (SE)
- 16 students + teaching assistants at Master of Art Direction, ECAL (CH)
- Anne Mette Schultz (DK)
- Daniel Everett (US)
- Nicholas Gottlund (US)
- Joachim Schmid (DE)
- Erik Steinbrecher (CH)
- Ott Metusala (EE/NL)
- Ursula Reuter Christiansen (DK)
- Åse Eg Jørgensen, Jesper Fabricius, Jesper Rasmussen, Johanne Løgstrup, Kristoffer Ørum
- Luke Stettner (US)
- Felicia Atkinson (FR), Elise Ladoué (FR)
- Christian Aschman (BE), Sebastien Bonin (BE), Valerian Goalec (BE), Adrien Vescovi (FR)

Images from 2016

Full image documentation of the exhibition can be found here

One Thousand Books_002_ID8813
Seminar, 2016

Art(ists’) books and exhibition making

Thursday April 21, 11:00 – 18:00
Admission free

Overgaden. Institut for Samtidskunst
Overgaden Neden Vandet 17
1414 Copenhagen K

Open to the public. Presentations and lectures by leading practitioners who deal with our theme - art books in the context of exhibition making. 

- Jérôme Dupeyrat – art historian
- Lorenzo Benedetti – curator and former art space director
- Luc Derycke – publisher, editor and designer of books
- Merete Jankowski – curator and director of Overgaden
- Meriç Algün Ringborg – artist
- Panel debate

Book fair, 2016

and Events

Saturday Sunday, April 23 – 24

The 13 publishers are present the whole opening weekend, ready to talk about their books and the exhibition they have curated. The audience will be able to purchase selected titles and engage the publishers about the relationship between books and exhibitions.

- Live conversations
- Video catalogue
- Party
- and how to satisfy your cravings after the festival

Migrates, 2016

One Thousand Books migrates

May 17 – June 26
Admission free

Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, bottom floor
Oslo Plads 1
2100 Copenhagen

After the exhibition at Kunsthal Charlottenborg finishes the 13 books will migrate into a new setting and the festival will get a new home for the last 6 weeks. Den Frie Udstillingsbygning' bookshop called ‘-1’ will make a display of the publications together with other titles that inform and expand the 13 original books. The printed programme, the video catalogue, etc. will also be available here.

Video from 2016

Video documentation of the seminar, performances, live conversations, etc. can be found here

Travelling exhibition

After the festival in 2014 a curated selection of books from the bookmarket was packed in a specially designed wooden crate that will function as a travelling book exhibition and sales platform. The exhibition will travel all over the world and visit museums, art centers and bookshops.